Top 10 Moments in SIW History

These rankings are official rankings of the SIW made by the owners of the federation.

So, thanks to one of the SIW figureheads, Pete, I thought I would try and come up with the Top 10 SIW Moments of All-time. This will be tough because a.) we are all tight on time and b.)some of us (actually most of us) don't have access to the SIW archive. I will be asking for help from everyone as I am sure they will be willing to help. Here goes nothing...

How Much less...
One of the few (if not the only) non-wrestling top 10 moments. While in the middle of a promo with the newly formed Perfect Connection (Chris Watkins, Do Damaka, and Scott Dravin) Sammy Krakkin cuts through putting Chris Watkins into a violent rage. After Watkins beats down Sammy if you listen closely you can hear an elderly gentleman in the background hollar "How much less would you take for this car?!" All three wrestlers threw their arms up as if to say "well that promos no good." Somethings you can't make up, but we all had a good laugh. You gotta love shooting live events.

The Demise of the Diamond Mine
The first group to truly be feared in the SIW, the Diamond Stud with Mr. Main Attraction and Powerhouse were the first members of the Diamond Mine. What a group this was. The Diamond Stud simply ruled the SIW at this time, and with his two "insurance policies" it seemed as if noone was going to knock the Stud off of his throne. As the Stud got more and more envolved with U-Gond and the SIW World title, he began to lose his grip on the Diamond Mine. Eventually Main Attraction would challenge the Stud for his World title, and absolute control of the Diamond Mine. Main Attraction won, and took over the Diamond Mine leaving the Diamond Stud without his title and causing the Stud to leave the SIW. The Stud would return under another name, and would eventually get back on top and prove to everyone that the Diamond Stud was still alive and well.

The Impact Players
One of the toughest, if not the toughest tag teams of all-time. The team of Do Damaka and Scott Dravin was what dreams were made of. Both wrestlers compinsating for the other's weakness (if a weakness for either trully did exist). The only reason this isn't a little higher in the top 10 moments is because ego's can sometimes get in the way. Both men wanted to be, and at some point were the SIW World Champ. This caused a few break up's between the two. But when it came time to be a team, these two were the best. The last time these two got back together was to the surprize of everyone. Do annouced he was going to take on Watkins and Tredwell, but his partner wouldn't be annouced. Most thought this was due to the simple fact that noone wanted to team with him. And as far as the other wrestler's were concerned not even his od partner (Dravin) would want to tag with him. To everyone's surprise (Watkinsn and Tredwell actually thought the sound guy was playing the wrong theme song) the Impact Players were back together again to take on the Perfect Connection iin one of the best tag matches in SIW history. With Dravin's high risk moves and technical wrestling, and Do's turbulent side, these guys were a lethal combination.

JK vs. Do Damaka-It's a CANE thing
This first came about at Hostile Envirenment'99, and was one of the many matches which would take both wrestlers to the edge. Canes, canes, and more canes. The amount of canes these two broke on one another is beyond numbers. These two would inflict pain on each other in hopes of getting the upperhand in the match. JT Blade and Do Damaka set the bar for turbulance in the SIW, but JK and Do were the one's to change it's height. Images that to those who witnessed these violent matches wil never be forgotten. These two were enemies from start to finish, but they also worked together in raising the bar when it came to turbulance.

It's all in the name
Before the SIW was the SIW, as some of you may know and can tell by the web address we were known as the JWWF (Junior World Wrestling Federation). After Pete joined and Jeremy had just started with us we felt it was time for a change. A change in name that would help set the tone for our federation. This was taking place around the same time as the WCW's implementing of the nWo wolfpac. So naturally Eric wanted the fed to be named the WWA (Wolfgang Wrestling Aliance). If I remember correctly we had three or four idea's but it was narrowed down to two. Eric liked the WWA, however Pete and I were pushing for the SIW. Jeremy was neutral in all of this, and Pete and I finally talked Eric into agreement on the SIW. This would be a huge step forward for the federation, and with the new name would help us start a new tradition.

The Fued - Watkins vs. Dravin
It took me doing some research to be strong enough to actually put this on the list, but it is deserving. This fued has been full force from the summer of 2000 to the end of the SIW. Both men simply put out their best when they were in the ring together. If you took a vote among all SIW wrestlers as to who put on the best matches time and time again, it would be safe to say that all votes would point to Watkins and Dravin. A fued, with matches that at least for me will be etched into my memory for the rest of my life.

The NEW Perfect Connection
WOW! This came from left field. The original Perfect Connection, Watkins and Tredwell was doing well in the SIW. They had many hate enemy's, but Watkins wasn't completly satisfied. Watkins wanted to have complete control of the fed. The connections most hated enemies were by far the two who were always on top, the Impact Players, Scott Dravin and Do Damaka. And as a suprise to all Watkins talked these two into joining the Perfect Connection, forming one of if not the most devistating team in all of SIW history. They would run wild on the SIW until Dravin and Damaka had had enough of follow the leader, and one at a time (Dravin teaming with U-Gond and Do going on his own) the two would break away only to come back together as the Impact Players to take on Watkins and Tredwell in one of the best tag matches of all-time.

U-Gond jumps ship
The SIW/BWA fued was in full force and it was starting to take it's toll on the SIW. As rumors began SIW wrestlers started pointing the finger at one another. Rumor had it that a major SIW figure was going to "jump ship" and join the BWA in the demise of the SIW. Enter JK and U-Gond, both huge SIW supporters. Or so we thought. During an interview JK began saying the BWA didn't belong and the SIW was on top for a reason. JK turns his back on U-Gond, and U-Gond turns a singapore cane on JK. U-Gond announces he's joined the BWA in the fight to destroy the SIW. As we all know the SIW would continue to reign supreme.

Do Damaka vs. JT Blade - Hostile Envirenment '98
I think it is safe to say that this match that took place at Hostile Envirenment '98 was what put the SIW on a new path. Before this match noone would've ever thought of taking the risk that these two men took. This is the time when the matches started moving from the ring to the outside, Do and JT used everything from baseball bases to lawn chairs. This is the match that opened the "eyes" of the SIW. Do and JT started the new SIW, something that anyone who was involved with can be proud of.

Friday Night Fights
The SIW was like high school football, on almost every friday night from April thru October you could show up to the SIW Arena and know that from 5pm to 8pm there would be an event going on. All of us were in high school and we only working part-time so we could "bend" our schedule(aka calling off of work) in order to get together on friday nights. These nights were filled with laughter, pain, but more importantly a bond between friends that would bring us closer together. These nights were what the SIW was and always will be made of.

"Don't let the IMPACT HIT YOU!"