Tony "18" Marquez

Final SIW Commentator Champion

Tony Marquez. One of the funniest there is. He's definetly the youngest wrestler in the SIW.

He always comes out insisting that he's 18 years old and is legal to be a wrestler, but always gets made fun of and called "14", or "you can't wrestle, your not old enough".

He idolizes Hulk Hogan, and dedicates all his matches to him(and his own mother).

Every once in a while, you'll see Tony say a cuss word, then get very sad, run up to the camera, and start pleading and crying saying, "Mom I didn't mean it, I didn't say ass, please don't kick me out of the house! PLEASE!"

Now Tony developed a great friendship with Scatman John, and got himself a new finishing move. He also now claims to have everything "Trademarked". He thinks he invented all things: gimics, songs and moves. He's no longer "18", he's now 'Trademark' Tony Marquez. Please Tony, seek some professional help.

Finishing Move: The 18 story drop

Best Friend: Scatman John

Quote:"Trademarks in the house, I own everything!"

Stable: none