News    and    Rumors

* August 30, 2006

More matches have been added to Halloween Madness '06 "The Last Stand" All titles will be defended, I.C. title match will be Natural Shock(Champ) vs. Jt Blade vs. Sammy Krakkin. Also the World title will be defended as Scott Dravin(Champ) takes on ? More as news comes in.

* August 16, 2006

Confrence calls were made, and matches are now officially in the works. We do know that The SIW World, Turbulent, and I.C. Titles will be defended. We also know that it's possible some old faces of the SIW might be in attendence at the final curtian call. When U-Gond was asked to comment on weather or not he will wrestle at the last event he said "All I can promise you is that Do will get his!" When Do was asked what he thought of U-Gond's threat Do said "I fear noone, I have been through hell and back, I have seen it all! And to prove I fear noone, I issue an open challenge to anyone in the SIW who thinks they can dethrone me!" This is the first match added to Halloween Maddness '06, Do Damaka defends his title aganist anyone who will accept his open invitation. Who will answer the challenge?

* August 3, 2006

This just in. Backyard Dreams owners Eric Bantner, Pete Childs, and Josh Kohlrieser will be the names that will take part in this Meeting in the Cleveland area, Jeremy Tolliver will be on a confrence call with the three to decide what will happen at this last event. Eric had this to say. "We are currently in talks of doing the last SIW event ever, I had said it before but, this will be the last SIW event. We felt as a team that ending on the 10 year mark is the way to go out." We have talked with Do Damaka and he had this to say. "I like the idea of kicking the shit out of U-Gond again" We will Post any information that come down from the owners and this historical event. ---Matt Quade

* August 3, 2006

Talks of one more event are starting to come together, with word recently received the Jeremy aka Scott Dravin, JT Blade, etc. would be returning to Ohio in October it looks like the last SIW event will be Halloween Maddness '06. No matches have been signed yet, but rumor has it that some of the SIW elite will be holding a meeting in Cleveland next week to begin production of this event. It is said that previous events will be reviewed in hopes of coming up with a "Super-Card" for the last SIW event.

* July 4th, 2005

First and foremost, God Bless the USA! Wanna send a enormous thanks to our men and women of the armed forces, stay safe! Now back to the confusion we call the SIW. The last event took place at Tremors 2005 a little over a month ago. Pages were turned until we reach the end of the fairytail. But to the surprize of many, their is one more "mini" event in the works. And the two figureheads behind this craze, are said to be perhaps the biggest of enemies to ever clash in an SIW ring. That's right folks, if my sources are correct Chris Watkins and Scott Dravin are working together to have an event to top all the rest! More on this breaking story as news comes in.

* December 8, 2004

Wow! It has been to damn long! The excitement of the upcoming event Tremors 2005 entitled "King of Kings" has blown the roof off of the SIW. The thing that has everyone confused is the fact the the bigwigs have no clue about what's going on. I can tell you that I have it on good word that this will be the BIGGEST event ever in SIW history. And as a matter of fact I know more than that. However, I have been swarn to secrecy. So until next time, Don't let the Impact hit YOU!

P.S. Nice picture. HAHA!

* April 15, 2004

Yes I know it's been about a year since the sites been updated. But not alot has been going on in the SIW, with the recent deployment of Jeremy Tolliver. ANd the fact that Keith Hall is never around, and we have NO IDEA where David Washington is, well it's made it hard for us to keep going. But It's not over yet oh no. We recently found the "Lost Tape from 1998" and event that transpired in the spring of 1998 and the tape was lost. Now 6 Years later while The grounds crew at Bantner Arena was mowing the grass they came upon this tape. The matches won't be reveled to the public yet because we are still in the mist of watching it. I can tell you this. The Diamond Mine was in FULL Effect, and Harsh threat was still going strong at the Diamond Mine. Your champions were Diamond Stud, Mr. Main Attraction, and Steve Page. I know what your thinking it's hard to belive that this tape could still actully work, but I tell you fans that like or federation this tape takes the Impact, but will never die. To give you a little piece of history on this tape, this was before JT. Blade steped into or arena, Scott Dravin wasn't even heard of. This is when The Diamond Mind (Dimaond Stud, MMA and Yes Natural Shock) Looked liek they coudln't be stopped. Also we know that in this event there were some wrestlers we hadn't heard of, that didn't make it to the next level. It's also a time when Get this Do Damaka and U-Gond were best friends in Harsh Threat. I know it's hard to belive a federation without JT. Blade, Scott Dravin, or even Bobby Donivan. But back the JWWF days they maintained. So in closing to this, the tape will be out in a few weeks and it promises to leave an IMPAC....oh wait there was no Impact In the JOUNIOR World Wrestling Federation!!!!!!!! Nick Harris

P.S. If you haven't looked at the site in a while go to the results they go back all the way to 1997!!! It wil get you a little prepared for this Tape!

* April 4, 2003

THe DaMaKa VS Jay Kay match will be in words like, extraordinary, gruesome, violent, everything goes. You know why? Because it is a I quit Cain Match with REAL SINGAPORE CAINS!!! Yes you heard me right and It dosen't end till one quits so be on the look out for quite possebly the MATCH that rocked the SIW, and why are we doing this??? Probebly cause we all Miss Pete Childs laugh and I think when he see's it laughter will be an understament, so keep your heads up for this one!!!!!!!!!!

* January 11, 2003

SIW "In Your Living Room" is right around the corner, and the Administration is frantically looking for something to make this a huge event. Word has it that the SIW higher-up's are considering making this event a live webcast, or at least some parts of the event. There hasn't even been a main event set for this event, so look for things to be taking place over the week. The Commish ask that if there are any matches you would like to see please leave an e-mail, or write in the guest book. Also U.S. Champ JK is quoted as saying "I will only defend my title if I want to." Some say he may not show up.

* September 28, 2002

Halloween Madness is right around the corner and it will be a fast paced, crazy shin-dig of amazing wrestling and crazy stunts. The Main Event will definatly be Scott Dravin VS Sammy Krakkin in a two falls match for the World and US title. The first fall will be for the World title. The second for the US title. I know this was supposed to the main event of last months event, but other shit went down.

First off, I realize many are wondering how Sammy became Do's tag partner, and one half of the tag champions. Well, I assure you Chris and Do don't hate each other, and they are still tag partners. At the last event, KING OF THE TRAMPOLINE, Dravin got tied up in a challenge from Damaka, and Sammy still didn't care much about the World title. Krakkin still wanted Watkins' neck, BAD! Watkins accepted the challenge and lost to Sammy after a surprise entrance of J.T. Blade in which he helped Sammy win the match.
If you are a tag champion in the SIW, and you compete in singles competition, you can still lose your half of the tag championships. Hence, Sammy won one half of the tag championships.

Some more shit from last PPV... JK came out and helped Dravin defeat Damaka in the World title match which sparked a tag championship match between those two and Damaka and Krakkin. Damaka and Krakkin won when Sammy snapped Dravin's neck, pinned him, and walked out. So what I want to know, is who the hell is Sammy teamed with? Do, Blade, or is he just that fucking psycho?

The real Quade! My grammar is not near as bad!!!!!!!!

* September 21, 2002

Hello eveyone Got some good stuff for you this week (I Know you like my picture). First off the website has took some nice changes don't you think, but I can tell you this I'm excited about Halloween Madness, you can see the card here. I think this event if going to be simply put "AMAZING" The matches on the card are some of the matches I've been wating on all year and to be honest I'm really excited. The event is set for Oct 12, 2003.

* August 16th, 2002

I know I have been avoiding the web site and I do apologize for it, things have been hectic with Diamond Stud, BWA, Fucking Tony Marquiez, and life in general, but the SIW is still Standing strong. At the present time I have ALOT of info and alot of thoughts about alot stuff in general. To start off I know that the Diamond Stud has been on chill status, but I know in my heart he wants to get back in the ring and people think that he has lost a step or so, this is not true he works out constently with Do Damaka and even Do say's that he hasn't lost a step.

Now with the BWA down the Shitter I know Diamond Stud is trying to make U-Gond's life a living hell, but I know for a fact that U-Gond is and still will be half commishiner, but I wouldn't be suprised if you see U-Gond and Diamond Stud take the frustrations out on each other in the Ring.

On to U-Gond, let me tell you about him, he might be the BEST we have ever seen. The reason I say that is because with the list of people who hate him and he still stays on top you have to be the best, especally with names on the shit list like, Diamond Stud, Do Damaka, Scott Dravin, Jay Kay, the entire BWA Crew, and the most recent Bobby Donivan. U-Gond when I found out personally that you were BWA I was shocked and a half, and still am, but in all honesty I think you went there to distroy this little uprising quick, and with your recent loss to Jay Kay for the Winner takes all match, I think that it was all a set up, and Bobby Donivan I know feels the same. But the question is which one of these guys wants to step up to the plate and tell U-Gond that they are pissed at him, only time will tell.

I've been noticing that Player J and Lil Bobby have been getting a push lately, in my eyes it's a well deserved push these two are just as good of wrestlers as they are comedians if you give them time I think you could see some gold around there waist's

Don't be suprised when you see Bobby Donivan, yes he is still employed by the SIW, because I know he has went back to his old ways, but a few things have changed I think he has seen that becoming a little more agressive that you see results, and now he's in the tounament for the SIW Undisputed IC title, if he pulls this off I think you will see him as a major contender for the Big names.

Tony Marquiez, what is your damn problem? Why do you insist on messing with us comontators? Well if your Comontators title is 24-7 well then that may be the biggest mistake you have ever made, not only do you suck at annoucing but you also suck at wrestling! In my personal opionin you and Scatman need to go find something to do because you guys are the worst thing since....well since yourselves, YOU SUCK SOOO BAD!

Rumors have been running wild about the upcomming event taking place on the 30th of August, now what we DO know is that Sammy Krakkin will fight Scott Dravin for the US title and the world title in a 2 pinfall match the first pinfall is for the world title, the secound will be for the US title. I'm going to tell you know that the match will be amazing, but after the first pifall I belive the fire in the match will die out, I mean what was Diamond Stud thinking about making the world title the first pinfall? I personally think that he has something up his sleeve for Scott Dravin, not to mention U-Gond and Scott have bad blood, it seems to me that Scott Dravin is in a shitty place, I mean both Commishners HATE him, not to mention D-Stud's personal assistant MMA, despises Scott Dravin more then any one in the SIW (besides the Perfect Connection). Scott watch you back in this match, one way or the other I think your match is a setup, but I've seen you wrestle and I do see why they call you MR. HERO, lets see if you can hold you own in this one.

Now on to the Perfect connection, I have to give major props to Chris Wattkins, you have shown me why you were the world champ for over a year, your last few matches with JT have proven to me that your a REAL Champ, but the thing that stops you from true greatness is that Scott Dravin has beat you everytime except one time, I think you need to prove yourself and get back your world title from Dravin and take back your crown. Darruis Treadwell, one question "WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU HAVE A TITLE"? Seriously you have the talent but something is holding you back, but I do have you as my favorite in the Undisputed IC title Tournamemt. Don't let me down. Do Damaka you know sometimes I get goosebumps when you come to the ring, I mean you have so much aggression, and with the turbulent title they allow you to have weapons to beat people with, some of the stuff you do should be illegal. My daughter was watching you on TV she's 10 yrs old and she told me that "Daddy why does he beat those people with all of those weapons?" I told her "Because sweetie he's just a very upset man." Do You need to go back for the world title again, I don't mean to put any anamosity between you and the connection, but your being held down from being the GREATEST that the SIW has.

And last but defintly not least, i think on me and behalf of the entire crew of the SIW we would like to thank Jay Kay for keeping the SIW alive. Dammit D-Stud you need to give Jay Kay the world title shot, hell he kept the SIW from being taken over and all of us loosing our jobs. He steped up to the plate without hesitation and defeated U-Gond, I think Jay Kay needs more recognition, and i think in time you will see it.

One last thing congratulations to Sarah Tobin aka Lilac for having a baby, congrats from me and everyone in the SIW, and we hope to see you again soon.

Well that's my deal and I will see you all at the next event and Don't let the Impact hit you!!!

Matt Quade

Don't beleive the Hype

This is Matt Quade here again, and want to address many different topics. First is the BWA, and thier invasion. The BWA is the farm league of the SIW so to speak. Many of the wrestlers that just couldn't cut it go down to the BWA, and the ones that are good come from it to the SIW. Natural Shock, Bobby Donavin, Darrius Treadwell and Sammy Krakkin plus more all came from the BWA. Senyaki Sai, Axel Montross and even Main Attraction have all been sent down to the BWA at some point. Natural Shock and Bobby Donavin have always pulled both federations, and for that reason are the two biggest BWA wrestlers of all time.

Now the main concern of this BWA invasion is that there is no true leader. Bobby is the spokesman, and he's all for the BWA, but he's not the leader. Natural Shock hasn't even picked which side he's on yet! So far there's only a handful of BWA wrestlers who have confirmed that they are trying to take over: Bobby Donavin, Axel Montross, Primal Fear, Tony and Scat, and Slash Myers. But who's leading these "second rate" wrestlers?

Don't believe the rumors!!! It's no old wrestler coming back from a long retirement. I assure you that Senyaki Sai, Max Headrum, Steve Page, Raptor, Outsider E, Eternal Darkness, The Punisher and Joseph Saint are all DEAD! D-E-A-D, DEAD!!! Diamond Stud is also not behind this. He's getting a bad case of alzeimher's and doesn't have the brainpower to pull this off!

The number one canidate in my mind is by far the human mystery-machine, J.T. Blade. What better way to get at Watkins and Damaka then to actually make friends and create an army. J.T. might have finally realized that although he's the best fucking wrestler of all time, he doesn't have twenty-two hands and pairs of eyes to watch the entire Perfect Connection.

Oh yeah, who is the Perfect Connection you ask? Well that is only possibly the greatest damn stable ever created in the SIW. Chris Watkins leads the force which includes his best friend Darrius Treadwell and the SIW Team Impact Do Damaka and Scott Dravin. Don't beleive the rumors that Treadwell isn't good enough or can't hang with the rest!! Watkins and Treadwell just recently released a full tape full of nothing but the mocking and making fun of every wrestler in the SIW. Treadwell and Watkins are best friends and cannot be seperated!

So about the BWA invasion, so far here is what seems to be the teams, although U-Gond and his "Harsh Threat" want nothing more then to destroy the Perfect Connection, they're going to have to put down this invasion first.
SIW- Watkins, Treadwell, Damaka, Dravin, U-Gond, JK and Coming Attraction.
BWA- Donavin,Montross, Primal Fear (Cage and Rage), Tony Marquez, Scat and Slash Myers.

BWA (which by the way stands for Beantown Wrestling Alliance) doesn't stand a small chance in hell of even getting a step into the SIW's door unless they get a major power.

That's it so far, see ya when I see ya. Matt Quade.

* November 23, 2001

This is Matt Quade here talking about anything and everything new first off I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season, and to stay safe during this time. Now for news.

The SIW Commitee came together about a month and a half ago to convean on matches and new titles in the federation. We have come together and decided that there should be more spice added to the SIW Title's. We have introduced the US Heavyweight title, The SIW European title, and the SIW Tag Titles. Now the SIW has already had some tournements for all of the new titles except the US Heavyweight. Your European champ is Harsh Threat's own Coming Attraction, your Tag Champs are 1/2 of the Perfect Connection in Do Damaka and Chris Wattkins. The US Heavyweight will be decided at the next event where Sammy Kracken will take on Jay Kay which promices to be a great match.

The SIW has also been wondering the Wearabouts of a few of there superstars. We've only heard from Do Damaka and Chris Wattkins that Scott Dravin is in another state taking care of some "Personal Buisness". Now Powerhouse has been gone for a good while, and no one seems to know, was he one of the people they talked about a few month's ago that was going to defect to the B.W.A.? Who knows, and JT Blade, now in my honest opinion I don't think JT Blade left and I defintly don't belive that he's scared of the Perfect Connection in fact I belive he is preparing a game plan for the Perfect Connection so Chris Wattkins, Do Damaka watch you back because last time Blade returned U-Gond lost his title, I have a feeling he's getting ready to strike again soon.

Also Do Damaka and Diamond Stud went overseas to compeat in an internationl wrestling event, which place the two in a main event against each other for the first time in history, the match ended in a draw when both men hit each other, Do hit Stud with a cane and stud hit Do with a chair, both men were knocked out for the 10 count. It was a very fast paced match, with alot of moves on both parts of the combatants.

Look in comming months for the SIW to get bigger, but the problem is the Wrestlers also have other things going on in there lives which in turn means that less events, but the events will be jam packed with great things. Also merchandise in in the talks, it will probebly be on sale in late may, so be on the look out for that.

Another thing brought up in the meeting was that possebly the SIW could be in works with "When Words Fail" an extrodanry Band in Lima, Ohio. We are hoping to use a few songs of there's as theme music for our wrestlers. Check out the site of this truely amazing band "When Words Fail".

Well that's about it in a nut shell hopefully if there is anything else I will put it on the site. Thanks and Don't let the IMPACT hit YOU!!!

Matt Quade