Excerpt from parts written by Eric Bantner aka Do, Stud, etc.

If you read the bottom of this page you will see what I wrote write before I left for the Army in 2000. It was six years ago, when I belived that we had wrestled our last match. But as all of us in the SIW know, the heart of the federation couldn't be broken by the absence of one person. In fact in 2000 when we were sure th federation would have seen it's last event, is actully where most of our creative ideas came after that. Gentlemen nine years. Nine whole years we wrestled, maybe not every member, but the heart of the SIW, the JWWF it was called then, where Josh and I did back body drops on old Haller street until the sun went down. That was the same time that Wind Warrior and the Combo Kid reigned supreme. I knew this was going to be the begining of something fun and good, when David came around and started wrestling with us(I was scared everytime I ever wrestled David when he would say "let me try something"). But it all shatterd for me when I moved to Shawnee. I never thought that we would ever wrestle again honestly I was more worried with the fact that my two best friends were all going to diffrent schools and I didn't know if we would be able to see each other anymore. The great part was that we did get to see each other and we even got another person to wrestle with us...Matt Molaski. I know it didn't go over well with the fact that Josh and him didn't click and that Matt probebly didn't know a single wrestling move. I belive that was Halloween Madness 1997 that was the first time we recorded ourselves. I remeber we all wrestled the same guys twice that night the titles ended up with the guys who had them in the beginning, That night the card had greats like The Diamond Stud, Raptor, JK, Matt Mo, Power House, Wind Warrior, and Eternal Darkness. It was a great night but I think we all realized that Matt Mo wasn't JWWF material.

I want to talk about how pete got into the mix. It was my sophmore year and he and I had talked alot about wrestling and who we liked and all that. At that time David hadn't wrestled as much as Josh and I had, so we didn't do a whole lot with the fed at that time, but the JWWF was still around. One day Pete and I were talking about wrestling and he had mentioned how he used to do backyard wrestling with Wes Martin and Jarvis Spivey. He also mentioned how Wes also cheated him out of the title everytime. Now when Pete told me this the first thing that came to my mind was what was going on in WCW with the NWO thing. How WCW brought in the biggest names from the WWF and had them take on the top guys from WWF. In my mind it was like "HOLY SHIT, Pete was a big name in his federation, what if I brought him in to fight my big guy the world champ the Diamond Stud?" It felt like a great idea, to get Pete in because he was my size and his wrestler stood for eveything we didn't have in the JWWF. I knew it was history in the making. Especailly Since it was new blood and it was someone my size (no offense Josh). That night he came over I had Josh come over and stay the night and we all wrestled 3 way dances all night. That was one of my favorite memories of all time. I liked how Diamond Stud had an ego and was cocky and sneaky, and Pete guy U-Gond stood for the truth, fair match's...pretty much everything the Diamond Stud wasn't. I remeber real well when U-Gond beat me for the title the first time...I think that was the happiest I ever been in my entire 9 years to loose the title. I felt like I handed Pete what he was held back from getting in his old fed, and I knew this was the begining of new and better storylines....hell i just knew it would be better. I think the funniest part was when Pete did first start we would have and interview and everyone would end in "I want a 3 way dance!" U-Gond, Diamond Stud, and Raptor, or Do Damaka, Natural Shock, and Jay Kay. I can honestly tell you guys that was top 2 best times I had in the federation. I mean the introduction of Pete was a huge change for us, the wrestling got better, the story lines got better, and eventully we got to see David in the mix and we had some good events.

Now when we all started making this thing actully work Pete had brought some changes and had helped me add things that were actully "ORIGINAL IDEA'S". He wanted to change the name from JWWF to SIW, which I was against. I was set on WWA (Wolfgang Wrestling Alliance), which was a close rip off of The Wolfpac, in the WCW. But Eventully I followed with him. This was the era of Diamond Stud, Mr.Main Attraction, PowerHouse, U-Gond, Steve Page, Senyaki Sai, Natural Shock, Jay Kay, Ghetto D, the Outsiders and the super mid card Do Damaka. I'm sure I may have missed a few but it was so many years ago, I'm starting to loose my memory. I know that when we watch the tape's this is the times where we were all about wrestling, I mean the match hardly left the ring at all. It was a great time we had.

Around this time was when Pete and I worked late nights on building and learning how to make this web site, it was very original and plan, it would say like profiles here. easy stuff, but it opened my intrest to the fact there could be more people like us who enjoyed backyard wrestling and did it. I was suprised to find so many people doing it too, but the problem was they all were retarded with guys in every federation like Stone Cold Derrick Jenkins or Roaddog Doug Schwartz and the Badass Paul Markinson. I realized that would have been us if not for Pete (He always stopped me from that stuff). So I looked and I found a group of guys who all used there original names, guys like Pat Barker, The Icon Nick McNally. So I emailed Pat and he and I started talking damn near everyday about all this. I've met some wrestling fans in my time, but Pat Barker was one of the top I've ever met. His website was awesome I mean everything was great. So he and I had talked for a while and started and inter-promotional thing where A few off his wrestlers had Joined the JWWF/WWA as Diamond Mine members. It was great because we had guys in New Jersey talking shit to wrestlers in lima. I remember Pat Barker talked some good shit about U-Gond, man it was funny too. I don't know if any of you know this but Nick McNally was in the Mine too but turned at an actual event of there's and Cost Pat the World title. It was great cause at that time when Nick did that to Pat He said " I could never be in a group of assholes like every member of the Diamond Mine. U-Gond I'm not your friend but I do respect you and what your doing." I remeber that like it was yesterday, because the fact that people were going through our story lines in a federation in New Jersey was amazing. I remember MMA and Nick Barbera had a HUGE rivelry and they both were in the Diamond Mine together, there was some grade A shit talking between the 2 of them. I loved every minute of that history between us and that fed. But something in between all this happened that I was the only one who got to see. His name...Jeremy Tolliver.

The history of Jeremy and I was that our mothers were friends in school and I've known him since we were babies, but I didn't talk to him much when my mom got married, I don't know why we didn't hang out or anything. So in my sophmore year (everything happened then)Jeremy was in one of my classes, and I saw he wore alot of these weird shirts. They were wrestling but they wasn't WWF or WCW....they were a federation called ECW. I had no real idea who Sabu was but I could tell Jeremy liked him alot. I knew just a small bit about ECW and what they did, in part of Pat Barker and some late night TV. Well I thought it would be cool if Jeremy would try and wrestle for us, due in the part he was about the size of Josh and was like all of us...a wrestling fan. The problem seemed to be that Jeremy was to stuck up for me (I now know that Jeremy was just really shy). I still kept trying to get him to wrestle with us, but it always seemed that when we were getting together he wouldn't show. Then one night when Jeremy's mom came over and brought Jeremy and his brothers Chris and Danny. I was on the Trampoline so they came outside with me and I asked them all if they wanted to wrestle, Jeremy and I versus Chris and Danny. Now what I was about to witness was the eqvilent to a man walking beside you then the feeling you would get if that man out of no where jumped over a fifty foot building. I mean he got on the trampoline with his broher Chris and in the first 15 secounds all I saw was a lock up, chest slap....HURICUNRANA.....MOONSAULT!!!! I couldn't belive what I had just seen, i was in such amazment my mouth was open my eyes got huge. This man had done some moves I seen by Rey Mysterio in WCW, but it was right in my face. The feeling I got was amazing it was a shock, but I knew by looking at him that he would be

Ok people I need to tell you whats ahead for the SIW.

Everyone, I am leaving for the Army July 20th 2000. I will be leaving for 3 years.

I was the one who has seen every name this fed has went through I have loved it cared for it and loved working with the guys.

I Really don't know if the SIW will finish out the year or not, but I want to say a few things before I wrap this up.

The People I want to thank are,

Jermey, Thank you for you great wrestling skills, because of you we ALL raised up another level. Jermey Do me the Favor, "Don't give up the Dream" because I know you can.

David, Well Bro you heading out with me to the Amry, I know we had some great matches and great times, but always keep true to your self anf others, and Stay funny.

Josh, Hey man There are so many things I could say but I have to keep it short. You and I man we wrestled for the logest time, even after all the hours of Back body drops, we loved every minute of it. In my eyes you were the man I ALWAYS LOVED to wrestle and Tag with. You made this sooooo much fun for me, thank you Josh thank you for all your Love for the SIW and Your Love and support for me.

Pete, God you are the man. In my eyes you are the SIW. You always tell me that your probebly the worst wrestler, well I think your one of the best (Especailly when your drunk) Pete you are the one who gave continious dedication for the SIW and Me. Pete this web page was yours, the matches between you and I are classics D-STud VS U-Gond, well hell they speak for themselves. You are the one that kept us going and when times got bad you made them soo much better. Also Pete thanks for what you said to me about being the Heart and sould of the federation, it really hit the heart. Thank you for all your hard work and most importantly... Being a great friend... Thank You Pete. Thank you.

I know that I didn't get everyone but these are the guys who were the biggest support in thsi great federation, and made it the three gratest years of my life. Thank you all and good luck in the future. Lots of Love to all.

Please if you have anything to say write it in the guestbook please and if you would tell me what you thought of me as a person and wrestler please I would appriciate it very much, and thank you.

Eric Bantner

AKA "Diamond Stud" "Do Damaka" "Bobby Donnivan" "Scatman John" "Steve Page" "Wind Warrior" "Kennith Wards" "Leavins" "X"

Thank you all!